Episode 51 / 28 July 2020 Today, we take a look at the UK and two specific artistic fields: photography and theatre. Our guest in this episode is Joanna Vestey, a photographer who recently launched the project „Custodians for Covid“, focused on raising money for theatres currently in crisis due to the Covid-imposed lockdown. This […]
Monat: Juli 2020
Episode 50 / 21. Juli 2020 Für die 50. Ausgabe unseres Podcasts konnten wir Birgit Schneider-Bönninger gewinnen, seit einem guten Jahr Sport- und Kulturdezernentin der Bundesstadt Bonn, vorher Leiterin des Kulturamts in Stuttgart. Wenn im Moment darüber gesprochen wird, dass die Corona-Krise ein Beschleuniger der Transformation sei, viele Dinge möglich gemacht habe, die vorher unmöglich […]
Episode 49 / 14 July 2020 Today, we take a closer look at the situation of the arts in the country with the most covid cases worldwide – the United States. Alan Salzenstein, our guest today is an expert on the situation of the performing arts scene in the U.S. We will reflect on what the […]
Episode 48 / 7 July 2020 It’s been a while since we last took an in-depth look into an international project in this podcast. Our guest today, Thiago Jesus, will help us change that. Thiago is based at an arts research centre in London, but spends a lot of his time working with Indigenous communities […]