
Mykhailo Glubokyi – Izolyatsia (Ukraine)

Episode 88 / 12 March 2022 Today’s edition is a special edition which – like our last episode in German – does not focus on culture and coronavirus, but tries to put the spotlight on the situation of the arts, artists and cultural institutions in Ukraine at this moment of war in their country in the heart […]


Silvia Fehrmann – Berliner Künstlerprogramm DAAD

Episode 86 / 22. Februar 2022 Wie geht’s fragen wir seit bald zwei Jahren, und nun ging’s eine kleine Weile nicht: Wir mussten zum Jahresstart eine Pause einlegen und sagen allen unseren treuen Hörer:innen vielen Dank für die Geduld. Jetzt sind wir zurück und werden künftig wieder regelmäßig neue Gespräche führen. Shownotes Im Gespräch mit […]


Wendy Cope – Poet

Episode 67 / 17 January 2021 Theatres, museums, clubs, cinemas, the whole cultural sphere is under lockdown in many places all over Europe and beyond. Yet culture still has a key role in many peoples lives, watching movies, making music or fine art, reading novels, playing complex games – and reading poetry. Poetry, so it seemed […]


Orian Brook – University of Edinburgh

Episode 64 / 11 December 2020 Theatres, museums, clubs, cinemas, the whole cultural sphere is under lockdown in many places all over Europe and beyond – and this is just the beginning. The economic and financial crisis which surely is going to follow the current public health crisis will be no less dangerous to the arts. […]


Tim Etchells – Forced Entertainment (UK)

Episode 57 / 24 October 2020 The title of this podcast „Wie geht’s“ has a double meaning. It translates as „How are you?“. We want to know how people in the arts are doing during these extraordinary and challenging times. Yet, „Wie geht’s“ also means „how does it work?“ On this podcast, we hope to […]


Joanna Vestey – Photographer, Oxford (UK)

Episode 51 / 28 July 2020 Today, we take a look at the UK and two specific artistic fields: photography and theatre. Our guest in this episode is Joanna Vestey, a photographer who recently launched the project „Custodians for Covid“, focused on raising money for theatres currently in crisis due to the Covid-imposed lockdown. This […]


Alan Salzenstein – DePaul University, Chicago

Episode 49 / 14 July 2020 Today, we take a closer look at the situation of the arts in the country with the most covid cases worldwide – the United States. Alan Salzenstein, our guest today is an expert on the situation of the performing arts scene in the U.S. We will reflect on what the […]


Thiago Jesus – People’s Palace Projects

Episode 48 / 7 July 2020 It’s been a while since we last took an in-depth look into an international project in this podcast. Our guest today, Thiago Jesus, will help us change that. Thiago is based at an arts research centre in London, but spends a lot of his time working with Indigenous communities […]


Sue Kay – Cultural Leadership (in English)

Episode 27 / 20 April 2020 It has been a while since our last English edition of „Wie geht’s“, a podcast of conversations with people working in the arts, cultural policy and the creative sector, reflecting on how the coronavirus crisis affects the cultural sphere. Here we are back again with another international episode. Today’s […]


Christiane Riedel – Zentrum für Kunst und Medien ZKM

Folge 13 / 31. März 2020 So bedrohlich vieles am Corona Virus ist – bei der Digitalisierung von Kulturinstitutionen sorgt die aktuelle Situation ganz klar für eine immense Beschleunigung. Doch welche Auswirkungen hat sie auf ein Haus, das seit seiner Gründung Digitalität in seiner DNA hat? Das ZKM in Karlsruhe – Zentrum für Kunst und Medien – wurde […]


Christer Windeløv-Lidzélius – Kaospilots (Denmark – in English)

Episode 12 / March 30th, 2020 Today’s guest is Christer Windeløv-Lidzélius from the Danish university, think tank and educational hub Kaospilot. Kaospilot is among the most essential spots where professionals from the cultural sphere look towards to build cultural leadership as well as pedagogical skills. They have built their brand on experienced-based learning. Kaospilots are […]


Philipp Dietachmair – European Cultural Foundation (Amsterdam)

Folge 11 / 27. März 2020 Schon seit einigen Ausgaben legen wir ein besonderes Augenmerk auf internationale Perspektive. Heute stellen wir die Frage, was das Virus mit der Idee eines europäischen Kulturraums macht: Viele Grenzen sind geschlossen – da bietet es sich an, mit der Organisation zu sprechen, die einst das ERASMUS Programm erfunden hat: Der […]


Amelie Deuflhard – Kampnagel Hamburg

Folge 09 / 25. März 2020 Was macht das Corona Virus mit einem Haus, das zu den wichtigsten Produktionshäusern im Feld der Performing Arts auch international zählt: Darüber sprechen wir mit Amelie Deuflhard, der Intendantin von Kampnagel in Hamburg. Anders als Theater mit eigenem Ensemble produziert sie mit wechselnden Künstlerinnen und Künstlern und oft vernetzt […]


Beth Ponte – Quality for Culture (Brasil) – in English

Folge 10 / 26. März 2020 This tenth edition of „Wie geht’s“ features Beth Ponte, an arts manager and researcher based in Salvador in Brasil. Even though the corona crisis increasingly is a global crisis and the virus has shown to everyone how interconnected a world we live in, the public conversations in Germany very […]